
Listening Session Paintings

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Meeting With Cafe Gratitude

I had the wonderful experience this week of meeting with Terces Englehart, one of the owners of Cafe Gratitude. The meeting came about because when I first visited one of their restaurants, I felt an alignment that was very powerful. Accompanied by her assistant Aya, we talked for an hour or so about education and especially, the Listening Sessions.

They loved what they heard about the sessions and stated that just three weeks ago, a group of about 15 people had begun weekly meetings to discuss the creation of a Gratitude School.

They were to meet yesterday and discuss whether they wanted me to come and make a presentation to their group.

Since opening there first Cafe Gratitude, they have now expanded to four raw food restaurants in the Bay area, developed a board game on Abundance, and begun leading transformational seminars on abundance.

It was a very good meeting. We both agreed to remain open to the possibilities!!

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