Yesterday, I received this video of a young 17 year old named Declan Galbraith singing a song when he was 9 or ten years old, called "Tell Me Why?" I was literally moved to tears, not only at the message but at his passion for almost demanding an answer to the question.
I researched into Declan a little bit and he was born in 1991 in England. He has been singing for most of his life. He is no longer in school as his performance schedule was too demanding, but he is instead being home schooled. He is mostly known in Europe and Asia, although since I got this in an email, I am sure he has a following here as well.
Declan, a different knowing of ourselves is required. One that - if we were to discover it quite early in our lives - would serve us and all life on the planet well. Then, we would not feel the separation, the loneliness from ourselves and from the Source of life that leads us to do things that lead to the problems you are asking about. This will come, but we are going to need young people, who have found their wisdom at an early age, to help make it happen. You have inspired me and I hope will continue to inspire others to keep asking inside themselves to listen within for the answers. Don't get lost in the glamour and fame, but keep using your voice, which comes from your heart, to raise the questions we need to hear.
Education has to be able to bloom young people who can brilliantly master the problems they are inheriting. As you can see from Declan, they are immensely capable and their potential unlimited. Beauty comes in small places and sometimes with more power and potential than we ever dreamed.